Mississippi Security Guard Board Practice Exam 2024 - Free Security Guard License Practice Questions and Study Guide

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Which of the following would not apply in the Registrars opinion to decline the issuing of a security license to an applicant?

The applicant has no high school diploma

The correct answer is A. The reason for this is because possession of a high school diploma is not typically a requirement for obtaining a security license. The other options (B, C, D) all reference specific behaviors or actions of the applicant or their associates that would raise concerns about their ability to run a security business with integrity and honesty. These could include making false statements, past misconduct, or the existence of specific grounds prescribed by the regulations for refusing a license.

The applicant, an employee or agent of the applicant makes a false statement or provides a false statement in an application for a license or for a renewal of a license

The past conduct of the applicant or of an interested person in respect of the applicant affords reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant will not carry on business in accordance with the law and with integrity and honesty

A ground exists that is prescribed as a ground for which an application for the issuance or renewal of a license may be refused


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